Thank you for leading a Leader Development Group!
Below you'll find everything you need to lead your group. Please contact your Groups Director if you have any questions.
This Overview Guide will help you get ready for your first group meeting with sample emails and tips for how to get started.
There are themes and assignments for each session. This document gives a summary of all the sessions.
Print this out before coming to group. It'll be a helpful tool when you're all together.
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
You can download this pdf and email to your group for their homework!
No homework!