Give — Fully Engaged

Give—Fully Engaged

This one-week video curriculum helps your group explore becoming fully engaged by giving to their local church.

All we have comes from God. When we acknowledge him by giving back a small portion of what he gives us, our faith is deepened and our relationship with him is strengthened in surprising and powerful ways.  

Fully Engaged: Give Is a One-Week Video Curriculum for Small Groups.

When we acknowledge God by giving back a small portion of what he gives us, our faith grows in surprising and powerful ways.

To use Fully Engaged: Give, complete these steps:

Step 1:

Download the Leader's Guide and Leader's FAQ.

NOTE: Use the Leader's FAQ to prepare for the group discussion.

Step 2:

Print a Takeaway for each member or couple in your group.

Step 3:

Watch the video together as a group.

Step 4:

Discuss the video as a group using the Leader's Guide.

About the Fully Engaged Series

Being engaged in church is about more than attending Sunday services. We define full engagement with the church as participating in our mission to inspire people to follow Jesus by doing four things: connecting in a group, serving on a team, giving a percentage, and inviting a friend.

You and your group members have already connected. But we want you to be fully engaged. We believe it benefits you. It helps you grow faster and in ways you wouldn’t expect. That’s why we’ve created three one-session resources to help you explore serving, giving, and inviting. We encourage you to lead your group through all of these resources unless one covers an area of engagement in which you’re all currently participating.