Celebrating Communion in Group


Have you ever thought to yourself that it would be great if we celebrated communion every Sunday at church . . . or that Night of Worship should happen more often? Communion is a powerful time of corporate worship, right?

Well, communion doesn't just have to happen on Sunday mornings or at Night of Worship. Community Group is a great place to celebrate it too.

In fact, celebrating communion with your Community Group is a great way to help your group members connect relationally and spiritually. It can be a powerful shared experience.

Good Friday week is coming up. It may be an opportune time to do celebrate communion with your group. So, we want to make you aware of a resource we've put together. We're posting it now so you have a couple weeks to talk to your group and prepare before celebrating. (Don't worry. It won't take you a couple weeks to prepare, we just want to make sure you have more than enough time.)

Download the Celebrating Communion in Group (PDF). It includes instructions for sharing communion as well as a Leader FAQ that answers the most common questions you and your group members may have. If you have additional questions, contact your Groups Director. He or she is always happy to help.

Have you ever celebrated communion in your group? If so, how did it go?