
What is Theopraxis?

Theopraxis is designed to equip you in your personal life as well as in your spheres of influence. The word “Theopraxis” combines two Greek words: theos (God) and praxis (practice). It’s not about theology for theology’s sake, but how we live and lead based on what we know about God. The ultimate aim of good theology isn’t acquiring knowledge. It’s becoming more like Jesus, which means loving God and other people more fully. As the apostle Paul puts it, “knowledge puffs up while love builds up” (1 Corinthians 8:1b).

What happens at Theopraxis?

Theopraxis isn’t just content. It’s content and conversation. A teacher presents helpful theology and then allows time for you to absorb that content through interaction with others. That’s because the goal isn’t for you to know. It’s for you to apply what you know in your life and leadership. When you’re able to discuss what you’re learning, wrestle with tensions, and ask questions, you end up owning that information. When you own information, you’re more likely to apply it. And when you apply it, you grow and change.

Scroll down to see the different modules we offer.

Theopraxis Modules

Theopraxis modules are offered at different times throughout the year. Group leaders within North Point Ministries will receive invitations and registration information from their staff leaders when a church is planning to run any of the modules.

BLUEPRINT: Seeking to Understand God’s Plan For Us

Many Christians assume God has a wonderful plan for their lives. But how do we know that? How can we reconcile that a wonderful plan for an American may include a comfortable home, a healthy family, and a life of material abundance, while other believers around the world have lives of suffering, poverty, and persecution? The thought of discovering God’s plan for us can get complicated. Are we even asking the right questions?

Sessions: Why were we created? • What difference does prayer make? • Can we know God's plan for our lives?

CONTEXT: The Story of the Bible

Billions of people believe the Bible is a way God communicates with us. But what's in it? How do the Old and New Testaments fit together? If someone asked, could you summarize the Bible's key characters, events, and themes? Having context for the Bible not only gives you more confidence as a leader, it will also strengthen your personal faith.

Sessions: How is the Bible put together? • OT Summary • NT Summary

GROWTH: Maturing in Our Faith

We spend much of our time as leaders pouring into others. But leaders also need to be poured into because we can’t help others grow if we aren’t growing. In this module, you’ll explore ways to enrich your own spiritual growth as you continue to help others grow.

Sessions: How do we believe people grow spiritually? • Who is involved in and responsible for a person’s spiritual growth? • How can I continue to grow?

IDENTITY: Replacing False Beliefs About Ourselves with Truth

We develop beliefs about ourselves during childhood and during other significant experiences. Some of these beliefs are false. How can we discover what false beliefs we’re carrying, and how do we keep them from holding us back?

Sessions: What lies do you believe about yourself and God? • What truths has God revealed about himself and you? • How can we live in a way that reflects God’s truth?

INVEST: Engaging With People Outside the Faith

Investing in the lives of those outside the faith is something God wants us to do, but there are tensions that arise at the thought of discussing spiritual matters. In this module, we will discuss the thresholds people cross before becoming a Christian. By understanding these thresholds, we can be ready to invest in people exactly where they are.

Sessions: What should our view of evangelism be? • How should Christians approach someone with little to no interest in faith? • How should Christians approach someone who shows interest in God?

METHODS: How to Read the Bible Well

Reading the Bible can seem overwhelming. Some parts of the Bible are simple and easy to apply. Others are complex. Still others may seem irrelevant to modern life. In Methods, you’ll discover an approach to reading the Bible that helps you better know your heavenly Father and apply his life-giving truths. Best of all, you’ll get to share in this discovery with others.

Sessions: Observation • Interpretation • Application

MODERN: A Discussion About Engaging Culture

When faith and culture intersect, they often disagree—so much so that it can be difficult to find common ground. But how we think about issues from politics to sexuality is as important as what we think about them. In this module, we will discuss some root causes of cultural tensions and focus on how to walk alongside someone with a different viewpoint.

Sessions: How do we balance theology with ministry? • Why do we avoid people with different perspectives and lifestyles? • What would you do in certain real-life situations?

VIEWS: Discussing Difficult Questions

The list of all the doctrines across various denominations of the Christian faith is daunting. Trying to figure out where you stand on every issue is nearly impossible, but you have a responsibility to consider the theological awareness of the people in your group. This module is not only designed to help you grow in your own faith, but to also help you walk beside others as they seek answers to questions.

Sessions: What beliefs are central to the Christian faith? • Why does God allow evil? • Is it fair that Christ is the only way to God?