Group Commitment

Group Commitment

I Agree to the Following:

1. I want to make my faith a higher priority in my life, and I want to learn to be more like Jesus.

2. As a Christ follower, I want to thrive in my roles as husband, father, son, sibling, friend, employee, and disciple-maker.

3. I’m willing to receive direct feedback. When that happens, I will receive it in love and avoid defensiveness.

4. Unless an unavoidable life circumstance occurs, I will be at every meeting and will have my work done. I will work with the group to agree on meeting dates and manage my other commitments around the dates that are scheduled.

5. I will use this experience to identify a plan for how I can serve at my church based upon my gifts, season of life, and passions.

6. I commit to total confidentiality. What is said in the group stays in the group.

7. If married: I have discussed this with my wife, and she fully supports my involvement.

*We will have a printed copy for each group member to sign at our next meeting.