Give Yourself Away

Become Fully Engaged

Giving yourself away and being engaged in church is about more than attending Sunday services or watching online.

We believe being fully engaged includes four things:

  1. Community
    Connecting in group allows you to do life with people who are pursuing authentic community and spiritual growth.

  2. Serving
    Volunteering in a ministry area at church is a great way to apply what Jesus teaches.

  3. Giving
    When we acknowledge God by giving back a small portion of what he gives us, our faith grows in surprising and powerful ways.

  4. Inviting
    Christianity isn't an exclusive club. It’s vital that we invest in the unchurched people in our lives.

You and your group members are already connected—great job! But God has something more for you. We invite you to be fully engaged. This three-session resource was created to help you explore what serving, inviting, and giving can look like for you.

Session 1: Serving Others

Serving on a ministry team at church is a way we can apply what Jesus teaches.

Session 2: Giving to Others

When we acknowledge God by giving back a small portion of what he gives us, our faith grows in surprising and powerful ways.

Session 3: Inviting Others

Christianity isn't an exclusive club. It’s vital that we invest in the unchurched people in our lives.